Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Badgers for Freedom

What are those beady little eyes watching? | blog.bioethics.net:
Via the Washington Post and the BBC, apparently, comes a story that's just too good to check. The Post cites a BBC translation of an article in the Iranian newspaper Resalat:

'A few weeks ago, 14 squirrels equipped with espionage systems of foreign intelligence services were captured by [Iranian] intelligence forces along the country's borders. These trained squirrels, each of which weighed just over 700 grams, were released on the borders of the country for intelligence and espionage purposes. According to the announcement made by Iranian intelligence officials, alert police officials caught these squirrels before they could carry out any task.'

...Still, there's no way this story of spy squirrels could be true... right? I mean, everyone knows the cutting edge of animal weapons systems is the ill-tempered badger.

-Greg Dahlmann

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