Friday, June 15, 2007

Abbas picks independent Salam Fayyad as new PM

From Haaretz : By Avi Issacharoff
Finance Minister Salam Fayyad, an independent, has been chosen as the new Palestinian prime minister, an aide to Palestinian Chairman Mahmoud Abbas said Friday.

'President Abbas has officially appointed Salam Fayyad to be the next prime minister, and Fayyad has already begun consultations to form the emergency government,' Nabil Amr, Abbas's media adviser, said.

Fayyad, who is well respected by the international community, would replace Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas, who was fired by Abbas on Thursday, after Hamas took control of Gaza by force.

My prayer is for the emergence of an independent, competent, non-corrupt new force in Palestinian politics (at least on the West Bank--Gaza may be hopeless.). In my dreamland, maybe having the roof fall in provides an opportunity for building a new structure on stronger foundations. G!d help us otherwise.

Please note from my prior post:
13. And because the Holy Land is the world capital of wishful thinking.

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