Sunday, June 24, 2007

Jewess » Serving Their Country: Israel Uses Hot Women Soldiers As Public Relations Tools

Do I really want to post this?
Maybe without the hot links. If you really want it, work for it.

From Jewess: By Rebecca Honig Friedman

Jews are so hot right now.
First Jewtastic launched its “Top Ten Fanciable Jews” survey. Now Maxim is featuring a “Women of the Israel Defense Forces” photospread in its July issue.
But the Maxim spread is not the brainchild of the magazine’s horndog editors. No, the idea came directly from the Israeli Consulate in New York, who want to improve Israel’s image in America:

The idea originated in the media office at Israel’s consulate in New York, where research showed that Israel meant little to young American men.
“Males that age have no feeling toward Israel one way or another, and we view that as a problem, so we came up with an idea that would be appealing to them,” said David Dorfman, a media adviser at the consulate. ...

Indeed, the Consul General, the Deputy Consul General and the Director of Media Affairs are all men. In contrast, Colette Avital, an Israeli legislator who previously served as Israel’s consul general in New York, said of the campaign, “We definitely have public relations problems, and I’m all for creative solutions. . . But there are enough beautiful and interesting things we can use to tap this demographic than to show a half-naked woman in a magazine of this kind, considered pornographic.”

We couldn’t agree more. Israel’s got breathtaking landscapes, ancient holy sites, delicious cuisine, and, oh yeah, HOT MEN!
At the very least the consulate could have arranged for an equivalent photospread of “Men of the Israeli Defense Forces” in Cosmo.
But think women won’t be swayed by some racy pictures? Ok then, even better, Jewess suggests “The Pen is Mightier than the Uzi: Poetry by Men of the IDF.”

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