Saturday, May 12, 2007

Jeopardy: The answer is Jan. 20, 2009

A Feeble Performance - New York Times: is part of a long chain of evidence that Mr. Gonzales does not have the ability or the moral compass to do his vitally important job.

It was a reminder that Mr. Gonzales’s record was deplorable before the prosecutor purge. He was an architect of policies in the war on terror that the Supreme Court has held to be illegal and unconstitutional. He has defended President Bush’s illegal domestic wiretapping operations with a zeal terrifying in the head of an agency that is supposed to uphold the Constitution — not manufacture excuses for the president to trample on it. There is also evidence that he allowed ideologues to pack career positions at the Justice Department with thinly credentialed hires, chosen for their party affiliation.

AND THE JEOPARDY QUESTION: When will it ever end?
Mr. Gonzales can cling to his office as long as the president supports him and Congress does not impeach him.

More significantly, Bush can cling to his office as long as Cheney supports him and Congress does not impeach him.

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